about us

Kinetic Seeds operates with a vision deeply rooted in fostering innovation and equity. Woven into our DNA is the belief that students’ voices can and should be instruments of meaningful, lasting change.

Our process champions and scales strategies that tackle the root issues of success and the power imbalances that effect who makes it to graduation day and who does not.


If you are a college or university, consider partnering with us to tap into a wealth of insights from diverse student populations or collaborate to develop your own research action plan.

Our tailored approaches and expert analyses offer a deeper understanding of the student experience, enabling you to craft strategies that resonate with and effectively support your learners.

With our suite of assessments and design tools, we provide a foundation for educational leaders, faculty, and staff to foster environments where student success is not left to chance.

Contact us to harness the full potential of your institution’s capabilities, transforming data-driven insights into actionable, effective student support strategies.

latest research

To uncover the facets of student success in college, we turned to the most knowledgeable experts: the students themselves. Drawing on a mix of research methods, we engaged over 750 students attending both community college and 4-year institutions from across the nation over several years, posing two critical questions: “What does thriving mean within the college experience, and how do you recognize when you are?” Armed with an abundant collection of student insight, we’ve synthesized the research into something affectionately dubbed the “chemistry of student success.” Nine critical elements for a thriving student experience. 

Christine Flanagan, President and Benevolent Troublemaker

  • Seasoned innovator with two decades of expertise in pioneering design methodologies, advancing organizational growth, shaping strategic directions, and leading advocacy in various sectors, including education, business, and technology.

  • Skilled in transforming concepts into reality, with a proven track record of crafting and implementing student-focused strategies that increase educational outcomes.

  • Firm belief that all individuals, regardless of their background or challenges, should have the opportunity to acquire the knowledge and skills needed for their success.

  • Spare time spent using her recent certifications as a master gardener and mindful outdoor experience guide as nature provides indestructible wonder and strength to guide our human journey.

“Why, oh why, do words such as diversity, equity and inclusion generate such animosity amongst so many people? Don’t we want everyone to have a fair chance at success? Perhaps it’s good that we don’t all agree on the ways to get there but to obliterate the words seems counterproductive at best and destructive at worst. These terms represent not just concepts but real efforts to level the playing field, ensuring that every individual, regardless of their background, has the opportunity to succeed. 

Kinetic Seeds embodies my vision for a driving force in innovation, committed to crafting and enhancing exceptional student experiences. This commitment stands at the core of what we do, bridging gaps and building understanding across beautifully different perspectives.

Our aim is not just to speak about change but to enact it, fostering environments where every student can thrive, unencumbered by barriers. Kinetic Seeds is more than a name; it’s a promise to cultivate growth, equality, and opportunity for all.” – Christine Flanagan